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Participant Information

All fields are required except those denoted Optional.
Valid first name is required.
Valid last name is required.
Please enter a valid email address for shipping updates.
Valid password is required. Must be at least 7 characters.
Valid password confirmation required. Must be at least 7 characters.
Please enter your mailing address.
Enter a valid city.
Please select a valid state.
Zip code required.


Disclaimer: The demographic data above will only be used to correlate data in support of this research. Because the researcher will NOT be able to associate demographic data with a participant's name, participation in this project is essentially anonymous.

Please select a valid gender.
Please enter a valid age (18+).
Please select a valid education level.
Please select your familiarity with U.S. history in Vietnam.
Please select your familiarity with U.S. history in Vietnam.
Please select your familiarity with U.S. history in Vietnam.
Please select your familiarity with computer technology and the web.
Please select your familiarity with word processing technologies.
Please select at least one affiliation option.

Consent for Participation